Karina 5th grade

Myra Kindergarden

Lailoni such a kind hearted little girl, telling me not to worry about her to make sure Destiny and Myra were okay. She was a big girl now and was going to stay in school all day!!!
Lailoni 1St Grade

All My Princesses

And Destiny Hope was the last one to drop off and at this point could no longer hold my tears back. So of course had my shades on. Tried to stay close to her and she told me Mom get out of my line because you're not in my classes. Didnt know what to expected, but after this knew she was going to be just fine and i was worrying for nothing.
Mommy And Destiny Hope

Here is Destiny belted up before exiting the bus!!!
As excited as I was for school to start and get the girls back in their daily routines, I was also sad to know that all my girls where going to school. Even my baby Destiny. I just can't believe how fast time has gotten by. Here is Destiny getting off the school bus after her first day of pre school. As you can see she enjoyed it very much.
Glad they all liked their teachers and had an excellent day!!!!!!!